
My baby girl

November 29, 2010

This moments thoughts...

Ok so this year my husband has to work Christmas Eve and Christmas day....SUCKS!!!  This is our first year as parents and we are super excited (me more so than him but I am an extremenist--if that even is a word....).  So we have decided to do our Christmas this year on the 23rd--works for me b/c my "baby girl" gets to open her presents a little bit earlier--(no lecture from you paula)!!!!  On the top side I am sitting her munching on some bbq cornuts...HOLLA!!!!


Amber Polk said...

Trust me, this year will be the least fun as far as having a child goes. Just wait til she understands what they are!! Cornuts? YUCK

Liz Hallford said...

BBQ cornuts are awesome....

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