
My baby girl

April 22, 2006

The Decision

The decision to have or not have kids. I don't want any, I love babies but I'm not fond of kids. I am so selfish and I like my world revolving around me. I don't think that I would be a good mother, my husband on the other hand thinks that I would. My husband is so wonderful and so loving, he wants at least one kid. He is a wondeful husband and he deserves the opportunity to be the wonderful dad that I know he will be. I have so so so much love for him, I think that my feelings would change after I hold a litttle piece of him in my arms and look into a little face that resembles his. So maybe one day before I am ancient, we will start trying to have a little stinker. People tell me that they would not change having kids for anything in the world and some people tell me to not have them unless I really want them because it will change my whole life and some people tell me that either way once I have them, it will change my mind on how I feel. My husband says that once they are kids, I will be attached and so I will still enjoy them, I know that he is right because how can I not love a piece of him and a piece of me for that matter, (I am awsome)! hehe. I just keep wanting to wait until God changes my mind and makes me want to get pregnant for me. Will that ever happen, I don't know????

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